A Healthy Body will allow for a healthy mind but a consumed mind will prevent what’s obvious to us all on the outside looking in.
As with all my products my health and this section of the web site will simply follow problems encountered, lessons learned with solutions implemented. My biggest failing and my greatest success is my health both physical and mental, the two for me very much go hand in hand.
In business and daily work, regardless of job we all face challenges that will have an impact on our internal wellbeing. We can lose sight of being the best version of ourselves which is key to all success in our lives whether work or social.
2014 saw me hit rock bottom in my personal and physical health but at the same time see great financial success with my business.
A cold sweat and ringing in my ears on the way to a meeting saw me head straight down to my local GP for the first time in over 10 years. On this day with one visit I listened to the expert and made an instant change to my lifestyle where I have never once thought about returning to my old cultural failings in almost 5 years.

A Healthy Body will allow for a healthy mind but a consumed mind will prevent what’s obvious to us all on the outside looking in.
As with all my products my health and this section of the web site will simply follow problems encountered, lessons learned with solutions implemented. My biggest failing and my greatest success is my health both physical and mental, the two for me very much go hand in hand.
In business and daily work, regardless of job we all face challenges that will have an impact on our internal wellbeing. We can lose sight of being the best version of ourselves which is key to all success in our lives whether work or social.
2014 saw me hit rock bottom in my personal and physical health but at the same time see great financial success with my business.
A cold sweat and ringing in my ears on the way to a meeting saw me head straight down to my local GP for the first time in over 10 years. On this day with one visit I listened to the expert and made an instant change to my lifestyle where I have never once thought about returning to my old cultural failings in almost 5 years.
Body Weights: 23st 8Lb (150Kg)
Blood Pressure: 133/95
Heart Rate: 69
Body Weights: 14st (89Kg)
Blood Pressure: 108/67
Heart Rate: 54
I came down a further stone but decided through the feeling of wellbeing 14St was the best weight for me and for almost 4 years I have maintained this through cultural recognition and change.
The chart below will show you how bad these readings were and we should ALL note that it’s not only the “Fattys” that suffer from high blood pressure and it is very much a Silent Killer.
Any concerns, go get it checked out today, it might be the best thing you will ever do for yourself and those around you who depend on you to be the best you at all times.

Body Weights: 23st 8Lb (150Kg)
Blood Pressure: 133/95
Heart Rate: 69
Body Weights: 14st (89Kg)
Blood Pressure: 108/67
Heart Rate: 54
I came down a further stone but decided through the feeling of wellbeing 14St was the best weight for me and for almost 4 years I have maintained this through cultural recognition and change.
The chart below will show you how bad these readings were and we should ALL note that it’s not only the “Fattys” that suffer from high blood pressure and it is very much a Silent Killer.
Any concerns, go get it checked out today, it might be the best thing you will ever do for yourself and those around you who depend on you to be the best you at all times.
I came down a further stone but decided through the feeling of wellbeing 14St was the best weight for me and for almost 4 years I have maintained this through cultural recognition and change.
The chart below will show you how bad these reading were and we should ALL note that it’s not only the “Fattys” that suffer from high blood pressure and it is very much a Silent Killer.
Any concerns go get it checked out today, it might be the best thing you will ever do for yourself and those around you who depend on you to be the best you at all times.
Running 8 Miles with an Extra 20Kg on my back is a feeling I cant actually put into words.
I can say that if you surround yourself with positive people and remove negativity from your life your productivity will improve.
Home or Work challenges will become much easier to deal with.

Running 8 Miles with an Extra 20Kg on my back is a feeling I cant actually put into words.
I can say that if you surround yourself with positive people and remove negativity from your life your productivity will improve.
Home or Work challenges will become much easier to deal with.